When myth becomes legend!

For over 500 years since the death of Leonardo da Vinci, the story of the famous painting of the Mona Lisa, "called the Mona Lisa", has fascinated scholars, writers, intellectuals and the press from all over the world. The Mona Lisa Museum in Val Veddasca wants to tell the history and legend of the famous painting and its theft from the Louvre Museum in Paris in 1911. There are many figures who have intertwined in history: scholars and enthusiasts have divided themselves to support the official rumors of the investigations of the time and the stories popular passed down from generation to generation in Val Veddasca and around the world. The Museum will tell you the truths and mysteries that still fascinate the whole world today. The Micro Museum is divided into three areas:

The official history
The Voices of Val Veddasca
Art: the contemporary Mona Lisa  

The Theft of the Mona Lisa

The official story goes that between 21 and 22 August 1911 the Italian Vincenzo Peruggia stole Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa, pulling off the most famous art theft in history. The Micro Museum traces all the events and stories that were intertwined at the time through the reading of the newspapers of the time. Films and interviews will guide you to discover the history and mysteries surrounding the famous theft.

The Voices of Val Veddasca

According to what has always been rumored in the valley, the theft of the Mona Lisa was not carried out by Vincenzo Perugga alone, but there are several people who collaborated or who planned the theft. The Lancellotti brothers of Cadero, the Marquis of Valfierno and many others are told in the museum through testimonies handed down from father to son over time starting from the historical reconstruction of the old Garibaldi tavern of Cadero, where it is said that the Mona Lisa was hidden for two years after the theft in 1911. When you enter the tavern, don't forget to look under the table.

Art: the Contemporary Mona Lisa

The Micro Museum hosts contemporary artists for personal exhibitions and thematic exhibitions dedicated to the world of the Mona Lisa. The exhibitions are organized throughout the museum's opening period. Click HERE below to find out about the latest exhibitions and events organised:

Exhibitions and Events